Monday 16 July 2012

Olympian Effort

Been a couple of weeks since I last posted, but a lot has happened, in fact every time I sat down to write, something else shoots to the top of the list. But with 2 weeks till the ‘Olympics’ I thought I should at least comment on the past month.

I had intended to write about the politics of identity and this abuse by the ‘better together’ campaign, the pro union cabal, who are intent with the acquiescence of the media, to skew the independence debate. Endless negative articles, nonsensical questioning of legality of the referendum and downright blatant propaganda has already reared its ugly head, and we’ve still got over 2 yrs to go.

Their biggest thrill is opinion polls showing support for independence down to 30% from 35%, if you consider we’re in the middle of the Queen’s Diamond jubilee, about to have wall to wall coverage of the Olympics. It seems that a Union jack is never far from our screens, filling our supermarkets shelves everywhere you look, there's one hanging.

So there should be no surprise that support for the union has risen, reassuring though, is that this will be the last UK national event, that’ll attract so much corporate and media attention and by the time 2014 comes round Glasgow and most of Scotland will be a Saltire only zone as the Commonwealth games come to this city, and with the 700yr anniversary of Bannockburn, the boot will be on the other foot in terms of visibility. Added with several other Homecoming events, the union cause could be on its arse and begging to be put out of it’s misery before the vote.

Oh! Andy Murray failed to win Wimbledon, but I’ll guess you’ll all know this, the boy did good. Typically the English based media continued their customary derision of this supremely talented athlete as a ‘dour’ Scot, if only they could count and use Google, they may even be able to connect the dots. They could even just check their own media library and just look for the Dunblane tragedy and then they may understand how remarkable this young man’s journey has really been.

Another plus point is by the time our Independence referendum comes around, most of the newspaper industry in Scotland will be on its knees, falling sales and by 2014, some of them may not even exist anymore and those that remain will be directly connectable to London and easily recognised by all, as distorting truth of the matter.

The Union campaign is as dead as a dodo, if it’s a straight battle between what an Independent Scotland could be and what’s on offer from the Union, they may as well give up just now.

Who in their right mind would vote for destruction of the NHS, Tuition fees, privatisation of Police and Prisons, further slash and burn of the welfare state, austerity till at least 2020. Then you’ve got to add the predictable forthcoming Iran conflict and Westminster’s ability to spectacularly kiss US arse.

Then we’ve got the banking scandal to iron out and there are chapters of that story still to be told, leveson and his media inquiry and finally Chilcott, though I think he may have been knobbled, since Labour have invited back the warmonger in chief Bliar, no smoke without fire as they say.

The worst abuse of identity this month has come from Scottish Labour deputy leader anas sarwar, who has been claiming only ‘real Scots’ support the union, so not only do they lie and cheat, the labour party are happy to deny me my identity, since I support Independence and not the Union, I am in their terms and trumpeted by their media chums as not a ‘real Scot’, should I be afraid, order my striped pyjamas, wait for my yellow star in the post?

We’ve all the ingredients for social unrest, racist politicians’ masquerading as socialists and moderates, complete breakdown of banking system, the poor being penalised for the failure of incompetent greedy politicians’ and multi-national corporate carving up the planet.

The world’s been here before, far too many times and still lessons haven’t been learnt, yet it still goes on this merry-go-round hoping for a different answer, but it still comes up as the UK is in the red and terminally broke, both financially and morally. If Scotland wants to keep those things we hold dear and cherish then we’ve got to start to make our own way in the world. Or the price our children pay will indeed be a hefty one. So just use the link below and sign up if you haven't already and choose a future you're in control.

Friday 1 June 2012

Brrtannia waves the rules

Two blogs in one week, now I don’t usually go in for this sort of ‘media saturation’ but this week is sort of special, not only have I marked the passing of another year in my life, but this weekend it’s the jubilee. Not that you could’ve missed it, wall to wall saturation on TV and in the media.

I don’t know Elizabeth Windsor personally, we’ve never been introduced, sort of don’t mix in the same social circles, if you get my drift.
With a general antipathy towards union jacks and street parties, I will comment no further, other than to say, that during the jubilee celebrations, I will be playing ‘God save the Queen’ on a loop and celebrating like it was 1977 again. Though I must mention it’ll be the Sex Pistols version and it’ll be on all day, even if I’m in the house or not, 600watts, windows open. Point will be made.

But it’s not the Jubilee that has got me fired up, It was the vote in the Scottish Parliament declaring Scotland’s independence, it may have passed by many, not really well reported, in fact more smothered by a blanket than blanket coverage.

The outcome of the Motion was never in any doubt, the SNP have a sizeable majority, which is incredible in itself, since the Labour party had gerrymandered the devolution settlement, to prevent such a majority, ‘their best laid plans’
What was astonishing about it was the Labour leader who went on to spout hysterical historical inaccuracies, claiming we,’ the Scot’s embraced the union, yet her grasp of Scot’s history and that of her own home city, Glasgow, not for the first time let her down. For once that signing of that traitorous act of 1707 was made known to the people of this fair city, they upped and rioted and troops where required to settle the peace.
She then added a little bit on universal suffrage, which was again surprising since as I’ve pointed out 67% of this city didn’t vote in last election, not very much universal suffrage going on in Glasgow, just a whole lot of suffering, really.
So the vote was passed, but it means nothing. It won’t change a thing, it was just another move in the chess game that is Scotland’s future and we are just the pawns.

I will end on the jubilee , or rather the jubilee regatta that will sail down the Thames, and those taking part who will be regaled with music as they pass certain landmarks, when they pass MI6 HQ the James Bond theme will be played, whilst when the pass the Palace of Westminster, the theme tune from Only fools and horses, will be heard.

Britannia rules the waves, well not anymore, but she’s still able to wave the rules.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

3 by 50, A birthday wish.

Today is a milestone, I’ve managed to reach the ripe old age of 47 and my doomsday clock is ticking down to my inevitable end. That may sound gloomy, but being a Glaswegian male, my life expectancy is around the 59-60 mark, so not long to go now.

But hey, I’m not sad, in fact I’m pretty upbeat about everything, except for the small tell-tale signs I’ve noticed developing, like my inability to watch BBC news programmes, without shouting at the television like some crazed, buck fast induced troglodyte. And the inevitable intolerance of mediocre talent shows that infest TV channels like an STD you just can’t get rid of.

Since it’s my birthday I’ve decided to be generous, since my coming out into this world, at the Queen mum’s hospital in Glasgow, in the heady days of 1965. I’ve managed to witness some incredible sights, men landing on the moon, govt’s of all descriptions annihilate vast swathes of humanity, in their indecent haste to prove their tougher than rival states.

I’ve watched govt’s be subsumed by Multi-nationals, and greed becomes the byword for progress, democracies fall and rise, only to be sold to the highest bidder, for the aforementioned greed.

I now live in a world ruled and controlled by faceless executives of Global multi national corporations, who transfer wealth from country to corporation and the politicians’ just sit back and take it , like good little public school boys, who’s the faggot now, eh.

If you beleive, then it's just 1 click away,
So what do I want for my birthday, world peace would be a start, but to have that you first have to find a country committed to such an ideal, so I’ve lowered my sights slightly, I would settle for a country I can be proud to call home, which at it’s core is based on equality, not just any equality, but equality for all, regardless of race, colour or creed or indeed gender.

What I wish for is my homeland, country of birth, Scotland to become an independent country, and take its place in the world. A country unafraid to shine a light into the darkest of places, where inhumanity is rife. With neither fear nor favour. A country willing to challenge those global corporate interests with impunity, to speak up for those without a voice.

On Friday the 25th of May, pro independence parties in Scotland launched @YesScotland, the first initial steps, in what I hope is the emancipation of the Scot’s people, freedom from oppressive UK govt rule, who without a blink on an eye, spend billions on a squalid and sleazy London, while at the same time castigate the poor, for simply being poor.

So my birthday wish is simple, I want to be free by 50, I want to live in a country willing to take on the challenge of the 21st century head on, who will stand firm against intolerance and cruelty, who is willing to challenge vested interests and protect the weak. That’s what I wish for; I can only hope that it can come true.

On a lighter note, rumours are the No campaign, those that wish Scotland's continual  subjugation by London are planning a glitzy launch, I hear, though this may not be true. That Lord Foulkes, that estimable Labour peer, plans to get the campaign underway, by running down Princess street in Edinburgh stark bollock naked with his Heart’s scarf and a Union Jack for company. I will reiterate this is only a rumour, heaven forbid anyone actually turns up to see this event.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Whatever happened to the 67%

The results of May 3 local election, have brought the usual political hysteria of ‘Mine’s bigger than your’s’ and 'we won this and held that', shit. The wall to wall depressing media coverage of Party spin doctors convincing us their side had won, and promising to deliver services, that in all probability will never be delivered and had no hope of ever being so in the 1st place.

Depressing regurgitation of national politics onto local issues, had distorted local accountability and skewed debate. All this gleefully cheered on by none less than the ‘inscrutable’ BBCscotland, an organisation who’s in-ability to report factual voter numbers, rather than its own self delusional statistics‘. Added to this, the undue haste to proclaim ‘labour ‘as victors. Based on nothing more than wishful thinking was indeed a sight to behold. If not to be gazed in absolute horror.

This bastion of the ‘free press', who gleefully pedal those values across the globe, like some moral kevlar. Yet in the UK it's acted like no more than a state broadcaster, more akin to Syria than the contrived image the BBC would like to pretend it represents worldwide.

Enough of bbc bashing, they’re clearly not the only one’s to blame, there are other’s equally culpable

And some who are just downright guilty.

The disengagement of 67% of Glasgow electorate is shocking, appalling this tragedy, played out to a background of a Labour national leadership celebrating like a 2nd Division team who had just won the Scottish cup, had they not been listening 67% didn’t vote.

Labour the party of the working class, whose social engineering policies have led to this endemic and systematic failure,  has disempowered and disengaged the vast majority of this city. Glasgow is a European city, but it has an identity crisis, it feels like I’m living in a city, gripped with ‘Stockholm syndrome’.

So it’s a big hand, to Glasgow labour party, we’ve had less than a century of universal suffrage and the right to vote, and you’ve managed to turn the clock back 150yrs, a big thank you.

On a slightly different tack, I at least live in an area were there is some hope, ‘Partick West’ returned 2 SNP and 1 Green cllr, an aside to this. The term ‘Partick West’ may look good in estate agents windows; it sounds like we’ve been annexed by the trendy west end. House prices anyone? Can we not have the correct burgh names, ‘Scotstoun and Whiteinch’ this would sound far better and include historic accuracy.

As I write Rangers have been told their SFA sanction stands, now there are those who persist this is disproportionate, well Rangers are not being judged on a Scottish standard, but a European standard. Supporters should take a look around some of the European clubs and penalties they’ve incurred, to realise this is in reality, pretty light and should now ‘man up’ and take the medicine,


Monday 23 April 2012

A Union of Mushrooms

You hear rumours, little bits of information every now and then, some that surprises you, even shocks to some extent. The other night I received some startling news. My twitter feed is being monitored, by a disparate or more accurately, desperate coalition of Westminster apologists, defenders of the Union or as they will now be colloquially called ‘mushrooms, mushie’s for short’

A quick explanation may be needed at this point, mushrooms prefer to be kept in the dark and thrive on bullshit, it is probably the best description of a unionist I can currently think of, but it has that certain ring of truth in its simplicity.

So the ‘mushie’s’ are monitoring me, why? What’s my crime, what offence have I caused that requires such intrusion. Well that’s easy I expressed my opinion, my very own opinion, well formed over the years.

I am impressed, though shocked it took so long, usually I can piss people off in under an hour, this has been a slow simmer, if you like, but, boy am I chuffed. I know some may get disturbed at the thought, that a self appointed gaggle of miscreants are monitoring you, but those that know me personally, will be well aware that I’m of the thick skinned variety, in fact a rhino’s arse has nothing on me.

So I would like to dedicate this blog to all those, who believe in the UK, those that buy into foreign policy misadventures like Iraq, who accept 30yr of endemic economic failure. Those that are happy as Westminster devalues humanity with its coarse and brutal treatment of the poor, the sick and the elderly, while at the same time giving tax cuts to the uber rich.

Those political classes, who love to label the unemployed and single mothers as undeserving.

While engorging themselves on expenses and self delusion, they now have to explain how they are going solve the self inflicted economic travails that are symptomatic of their incompetent misrule. Unsurprisingly they remain silent on this, while at the same time increasing national debt, and reducing the asset base. A recipe for disaster, Sub-prime govt at it’s best.

For me I prefer the route of self determination, a right enjoyed by many nations around the world, that is except for the Scot’s. But that is changing as the days go by, the people are awaking and realising the London city state and their tame politicians offer nothing but misery.

The pollsters are saying support for Independence is anything between 25 & 40%, and a rudimentary use of arithmetic, equates this to around 1 million pro indy supporters, that is a substantial level of support and dismiss us at your peril.

So to the mushie’s out there, I welcome you to my world and wish you nothing but good wishes and if you need the number for a good psychiatrist to help with your self loathing, try the yellow pages.

Also a big shout out to Norman Mcphail as he travels round the world, and if anyone wants, follow his blog at and watch as he trains as beer taster par excellence.

Monday 16 April 2012

A more optimistic view?

Welcome to Skintland.

The front cover of the recent Economist proudly envisioned that if Scotland was to become independent, it would become an economic basketcase and those that call this piece of land on the outskirts of northern Europe, home. Will be led into years of penury.

Such a wonderful assertion from a magazine that panders to the vanity of those economic pygmies who have currently slaved to push UK plc into it’s current downward spiral of slash and burning of public services to euphemistically ‘balance the books’ and fill the bank balances of multi-nationals.

So here I am, 2 yrs from economic meltdown, ‘according to economist’. Such a scenario is surely worth hanging around for, so glad I’ve got a front row seat, ‘will Scotland fail, or will it just toddle along, making its own self confident way in the world.’ Only time will tell, and its evens, and the only thing for sure is that the Oxford educated editor has not developed psychic abilities as of yet, if ever.

It does however bring to mind a thought, why now and what are they hiding.

The Economist had 2 years to use that particular front cover, why now, why attack Scot’s aspirations of self determination, what was the point of the attack, when every assertion in the article can easily be batted away and destroyed , by people more at home with economic double talk than me.

Now call me a cynic, but prior to the Economist article coming out, the Scottish Govt was at loggerheads with Westminster Govt over plans to spend £4.1 billion on the London sewers.

Only for the Barnet formula to be binned, and Scotland set to lose out on it‘s £400m share, due to a ‘loophole’.

So there are Loopholes’ in Barnet formula, shocker, well we all know if it involves London, there will always a loophole.

The special dispensation that city receives is a disgusting abuse whether it’s Olympics, Crossrail or even the sewers, what’s spend in London dwarves that of any other area, yet it continually demands more.

Yet the argument should be a more prosaic, along the lines of ‘what fucking loophole’

And I suggest that BBC Scotland get it’s priorities right, instead of briefing journos on how to deal with the SNP, they should maybe get the finger out and chase this tale down, even into the depths of the London sewers, if that what it takes.

£400m could go a long way in Scotland; we’re well capable to spend in a more constructive and socially just way, rather than wasting billions on a shithole like London.

Only time will tell if Westminster gets away with this daylight robbery, or will the mainstream Scottish media take up the challenge, and defend Scotland’s interests. Time to bring the £400m sewers up and explain to us why there is need for ‘loopholes’ if we live in such a wonderful country.

‘Then again pigs will fly and Brian Taylor will win slimmer of the year‘, this statement is as accurate as the Economist article.

I've chosen to

Friday 23 March 2012

Putting Glasgow First

The other morning my letterbox rattled and down fell a letter from the ‘local’ labour candidate asking my views on what affects me and my family, my priorities’.

The header on the returnable leaflet espoused the moniker, ‘Putting Glasgow First’, now some may snigger and call me a cynic, my views on labour’s mis-rule of the Glasgow economic area, are well kent, in fact I’ll tell anyone who cares to listen what I think of ‘labour’ failures and what should be done to those that have oversaw the demise of this once great city.

But to begin, first question was on Dog ‘mess’, well for those that are not regular users of Glasgow’s pavements, this is a big issue, where I live, dog shit appears about every 10 yards, and when you try to avoid it, you inevitably end up in a pothole or tramping through broken glass. What can labour do, well they can send all those labour lords and knights out with a pair of marigolds, and start picking up the shit, That’ll certainly keep them out of trouble for a while.

Next up was unemployment, well thanks to labour incompetence a whole generation of Scot’s are facing uncertainty and a drop in the earning capacity, some of those facing this prospect for the 2nd time, anyone remember the 80’s.

The best question came at the end, ‘have you suffered from anti-social behaviour or noisy neighbours’, well yes. I have been for years affected by a gang of political neds, who have constantly stolen, lied and even committed murder, yet have never been brought to trial, their mates continually apologise for their actions, yet fail to deal with them in a satisfactory manner. Handing them over to the police would certainly be a start.

Sometimes ‘sorry’ just doesn’t go far enough, in this case it certainly is unacceptable, the Labour party have lied, stolen and caused the death of countless thousands, yet seem to think just saying sorry is enough.

Well it’s not enough, if Scottish labour is to stand for anything, it should not be for the privileged including those MP’s and members of the party who have been drunk on power in Glasgow for far too long, but for the poor and the weak.

Those who’s educational opportunities are blunted by the failure of an education system, that has been wrecked by political interference and incompetence. Employment prospects within this once great city dimishied to that of either call centre or social worker, and nothing in-between. But who cares, certainly not labour, they are the midwives of this legacy, their social engineering strategy is more akin to the 3rd Reich, than a forward thinking working class movement.

Has Glasgow a future, well that depends on the people, they hold the power. Will they stand aside and let labour sacrifice another generation for the cause of political dogma, like they did in the 80’s.

Or will they kick out this cancer of the working class, and emancipate themselves fully and choose a future that they’re in control of, rather than being led by a failed political party, who can’t even say ‘sorry’ properly.

Friday 2 March 2012

Confessions of a Social misfit

All over the world, people are giving up their lives, for a dream, a simple dream called democracy. In Scotland the struggle for democracy is taking a slightly different tack, than those whose aspirations are crushed by tanks and bullets of dictators.

Our attempts at self determination are being attacked by a different type of dictator, one who masquerades as the mother of parliaments, Westminster. Its acolytes defend it like brainwashed members of a cult, promising jam tomorrow, if only you stick to their obsolete brand of democracy.


I have a confession to make; its something that has troubled me for a while now. I once worked for a major utility provider as an outbound sales advisor, selling electricity to the masses. I found this employment un-rewarding and troublesome. I found difficulty reconciling my need to earn a living, with what was blatantly a cheap confidence trick, encouraging people to switch supplier, for an annual saving, which in most cases could be measured in single pounds.

For the company it was all about increasing market share, there was no emphasis on customer care, in fact the customer was secondary in their considerations, and shareholders always came first.

I struggled with this dilemma for all of 3 weeks, before I told my manager I could no longer, carry out this task and promptly quit.

The reason I mention this is the arrival of Devoplus, a brand new product, which has now arrived on the Democracy market. Primarily designed to challenge Independence, which has been gaining popular support hand over fist.

What is this new supplier of democracy offering, if youre willing to sign up? As far as I can make out, absolutely nothing, they are not providing any legally binding

agreement, theyre not even sure what the product is.

Yet the media in their droves have flocked to this new product, giving a slew of free advertising, but have collectively failed to check the veracity or competence of those in charge, to deliver this product.

Reform Scotland the parent company has placed the Devoplus product on the market, unlike Richard Branson and Virginmedia who have employed Usain Bolt to advertise its product. Theyve employed what can only be described as a cast of Disney characters lead by Jeremy (Donald Duck) Purvis and his trusty family Huey, Dewy and Louie, otherwise known as Duncan McNeil, Alex Fergusson and Tavish Scott.

Now Devoplus the product will not available till late 2014 at the earliest, in fact the product may not even see the light of day, yet they are still offering a mind blowing buy now , pay later campaign.

Now I dont know about you, but this seems like an attempt to flood the market with a product, that has no legal standing and could quite easily be withdrawn on the whim of the parent company, so why would anyone buy into it.

Why indeed, well its all about perception and the media are giving the impression that this is a viable product and that where the danger lies, unless the product is properly placed on the market, then its availability will always be in doubt.

My best advice to those that are struggling with their choice, stick to what you know is available, never buy anything thats on the never, never. It usually ends up costing you an arm and a leg, but in this case it may cost you the future of your children and grandchildren. Be smart, be clever, and dont get taken in by Devoplus

Friday 24 February 2012

world wide weegie: sack the board

world wide weegie: sack the board: Football and politics don't mix much like oil and water. The recent collapse of Rangers finance ’ s and furore that followed, typifies the i...

sack the board

Football and politics don't mixmuch like oil and water. The recent collapse of Rangers finances and furore that followed, typifies the ingrained stupidity within the game.  

Whether its Peter Lawell claiming that Celtic would survive, they are financially secure or the fact the SFA allowing themselves to be bullied by Mr Whytes lawyers while attempts were made to establish if he passed the fit and proper persons test, or the monk like silence emanating from the SPL.

It has been a strange couple of weeks. Indeed.

Scottish football has an opportunity to stop, look and listen and make those fundamental changes that have already been identified, by the ‘McLeish’ report, it could go further. There is now an opportunity to establish a line in the sand, for the future and maybe the betterment of Scot’s football as a whole.

Establishing a policy, where a min 6 Scot’s must be present within any team playing in the Scottish lges or representing Scottish football in Europe. Should be the norm, this would mean clubs being forced to examine their youth development programs and strategies, and make them work. Rather than the lip service paid by most.

Let’s face it the only reason we now see young Scot’s talent on show these days is that the clubs are skint, if they had money they would be importing second rate, overpaid bosman haddies, or the odd former superstar running down his career, turning Scotland into a footballing retirement home.

Oil and water don’t mix,

Well they don’t, in normal circumstances, but in these times, they’ve become strange bedfellows, for those who live in Scotland, Oil has been ’the’ political football, of this generation. Believe it or not, it even it’s had own version of the ‘McLeish‘, if anybody has an opportunity, take time and read the ‘McCrone Report’, I actively encourage you.

Westminster conspired with the assistance of helpful Scottish politicians to deny its exstistence, and have been helping themselves to the benefits of Scottish oil for last 30yrs. With the #indyref upon us in 2014, it’ll once again become a major player in the decision of some people to take a chance or not.

Not to forget about the water, equally important. Currently the south east of England is now on drought watch, it’s only February, Christ we’ve not had any sunshine yet. And they’re running short, so we’ve got another potential market that we can exploit. And exploit it we should, no sentiment just a cold hard business decision, like the decision to bury the ‘mcrone’ as top secret,

Like those Rangers fans who are now calling for the head of Craig Whyte, for ruining their club, I am now calling on those that had responsibility for the ‘mcrone’ debacle to be held accountable including those that conspired for 30yrs to withhold the truth.
It may seem strange mixing football and Scotlands future together, but if you look carefully, it's all there, Scottish football has been living in the past, they've hardly been able to get out of the 19th century and now their survival depends on them evolving and adapting to the 21st century in short time, or be forever consigned to the history books.

Monday 13 February 2012

ready and willing

Nothing that any reasonable person can take exception to, a wonderful line but what does it mean, what is reasonable, is it reasonable for the new Tory leader Ms Davidson to amplify a view that is more at home within the politics of Northern Ireland than Scotland, claiming the indyref is patriots vs. nationalists, a stance that is devise and her language a mistaken throwback to a bygone age, completely disingenuous.. In fact, I would say well beyond unreasonable.

Or Nick Clegg’s extremist quip, coming form a man who has the credibility of Mr Magoo, the ultimate political pragmatist, like Tony Blair willing to lie through his teeth, for that small sniff of power that the ministerial Mondeo brings

Labour’s la la land position sees them demanding just one question, independence or status quo, they seem to think the current situation is fit for purpose, their own Scotland Bill an attempt to nullify the SNP, has been roundly dismissed as ineffective and falls well short of what this country needs, this current settlement serves not the people of Scotland but an arrogant Westminster political establishment.

The status quo is clearly not fit for purpose, it never has been. The last 30yr of mis-mangment testimony to that. It has always been political fudge, attempting to quieten us restless natives and our desire and demands for a fairer and equal society. We have a simple expectation that govt guard and protect the weak and infirm, rather than penalising them… the latter being standard procedure within the Westminster village.

Can Civic Scotland stand up and seize the moment, or will their views be cast aside or even be heard. Positions are already entrenched, any chance of meaningful and considered debate already hamstrung by Unionist parties demands for an immediate referendum, rather than engage in a National debate on where we see a modern 21st century Scotland.

The approach of the Westminster mafia is symptomatic of corrupt govt, hence why both labour and tory immediately assumed the position. What are they afraid of, after all we are letting them keep the money from the city of London, we’ll even give them back the WMD’s based on the Clyde, in fact we could park the subs on the Thames just outside Westminster, if they want. They’re welcome to them.

All we want is a fairer society that meets the need of the many, not services the greed of the few.

Is that too much to ask for, is it beyond Scottish labour to recognise that, or are they so enamoured by Millibland and his love in with the PM and his banking buddies, sooner rather than later they’ll be passing notes across the floor, like naughty schoolchildren carrying out an illicit affair. You can imagine the bleating, Those troublesome Scots, keep asking for this and that, don’t they know it’s London that comes first followed by the southeast, they’ll just have survive on what they get and be grateful for it.

Is this really how you want Scotland’s future to be decided, or do the people of this country deserve better? We certainly deserve better representation, not only have labour failed the people of Scotland, they failed to uphold our society’s values when it came to issues like Iraq and Dungavel, a failure that even the most fervent supporter find impossible to defend.

Imprisoning children, their only crime, that their parents wanted a better life for them and risked everything to escape poverty, only to find themselves guests at Lord Reid of Dungavel, private residence. Or the if I'd known then what I kow now approach of Douglas Alexander, when questioned on Iraq, oh really Mr alexander, they how come 10's of thousands of Scot's protested against the war, knowing it was a lie, how can you explain that away and all you did was kiss Blair's Arse.

So Scotland’s future is in our hands if we want to take it, the question is, are we willing?

Saturday 14 January 2012

world wide weegie: 2014 the year of the underdog

world wide weegie: 2014 the year of the underdog: What a couple of weeks it’s been. Just as I was coming to terms with the New Year, David Cameron comes out and tries to force the Independen...

world wide weegie: Once in a lifetime.....

world wide weegie: Once in a lifetime.....: As 2011 hurtles to a conclusion, I can tick another year off. Can‘t believe it was 30yrs ago I left school with a handful of ’o’ levels and ...

Friday 13 January 2012

2014 the year of the underdog

What a couple of weeks it’s been. Just as I was coming to terms with the New Year, David Cameron comes out and tries to force the Independence Ref issue on his and Westminster’s terms. You could have knocked me over with a Tunnocks Teacake, worse was to follow, the indomitable Scot’s Sec Michael Moore continued the Unionist attack with debate in Westminster.

All was not lost, Wee Eck, Scotland’s 21st century freedom fighter, launched a guerrilla attack and while Unionists in Westminster were going through their usual Nat bashing script, Eck announced to the world, the referendum will be held in Autumn 2014. A masterstroke, not only did he pull the rug from under them, equally he let Westminster know who’s in charge and it’s certainly not them.

The battle lines are drawn, an interesting alliance has now been formed, and the Labour leader Millibland merrily skipped to the tune of Cameron’s tory party joining the Union alliance party.

So now we know, the 3 mainstream political parties of the UK do not recognise the rights of the Scottish people to take a considered view and exercise our vote with confidence, they would rather tell us when we should vote, how we should vote and what we can vote on.

Scotland’s future will be decided on the evidence in front of us, problem with the Westminster parties and their MP’s trying to take control, it is the self same institutions that we will be judging, their past record in terms of economic mis-management and treatment of the people of Scotland and what ambitions for the future that what we have in front of us.

So why should these people have a say, opinion or even decide when we vote, it’s Westminster that’s in the dock, this throws up the anomaly, we have 2 labour, tory and libdem parties. Which one should be involved in the debate? Millibland, Cameron et al, or will it be Lamont, Davidson and the 4 libdems. The Scot’s unionists in Scottish parliament, will be quickly cast aside as Westminster big guns swing into action, the unionists in the Scot’s Parly are not up to the task of defending the union, the decision have already been taken, anyone who thinks otherwise,(can you give me the No. of your drug dealer) is deluded.

Our democracy is being threatened with this anomaly, MP’s will more than likely automatically be given airtime on the mainstream media and their prominence promoted, yet when it comes to the vote, their vote will count just as much as mine does, so will the BBC allow me such airtime, the Scotsman give me so much column inches, don’t think so.

We have to ensure that those purporting to support any side of argument, then credibility and impartiality of reporting must be to the fore.

Imagine the scenario, we could have Andrew Neil presenting a prog on the Referendum from London, staring Douglas Alexander, Michael Moore, and David Mundell and a token Nat, where is the balance or impartiality 4-1, loaded deck.

Or think about Nick Robinson BBC conservative pr man, talking about what we think and how we’re gonna vote, what does he know, he’ll never come and live up here with us, or even listen to us. Easier for him to sit in Westminster’s Strangers bar, playing hide the sausage with the unionist political cabal he calls friends.

Now it would be churlish to ban labour MP’s from commenting, but think about it, why should those political parties have 2 goes at the debate, when we are all only gonna get one vote, if they get their way.

People will say I have an agenda, well maybe aye, maybe naw. But an important point to note, I am not a member of a political party, never have been, I firmly believe in independence and I have never allowed a political party to tell me how to vote, I make up my own mind, I’m an independent man, more than can be said of most so called socialist labour representatives, who happily have prostituted every principle of the working class labour movement in their quest for position and power. And it should be remembered the Claim of Right signed by labour and libdems, is that the people of Scotland are sovereign and not your Westminster knocking shop.