Friday 24 February 2012

sack the board

Football and politics don't mixmuch like oil and water. The recent collapse of Rangers finances and furore that followed, typifies the ingrained stupidity within the game.  

Whether its Peter Lawell claiming that Celtic would survive, they are financially secure or the fact the SFA allowing themselves to be bullied by Mr Whytes lawyers while attempts were made to establish if he passed the fit and proper persons test, or the monk like silence emanating from the SPL.

It has been a strange couple of weeks. Indeed.

Scottish football has an opportunity to stop, look and listen and make those fundamental changes that have already been identified, by the ‘McLeish’ report, it could go further. There is now an opportunity to establish a line in the sand, for the future and maybe the betterment of Scot’s football as a whole.

Establishing a policy, where a min 6 Scot’s must be present within any team playing in the Scottish lges or representing Scottish football in Europe. Should be the norm, this would mean clubs being forced to examine their youth development programs and strategies, and make them work. Rather than the lip service paid by most.

Let’s face it the only reason we now see young Scot’s talent on show these days is that the clubs are skint, if they had money they would be importing second rate, overpaid bosman haddies, or the odd former superstar running down his career, turning Scotland into a footballing retirement home.

Oil and water don’t mix,

Well they don’t, in normal circumstances, but in these times, they’ve become strange bedfellows, for those who live in Scotland, Oil has been ’the’ political football, of this generation. Believe it or not, it even it’s had own version of the ‘McLeish‘, if anybody has an opportunity, take time and read the ‘McCrone Report’, I actively encourage you.

Westminster conspired with the assistance of helpful Scottish politicians to deny its exstistence, and have been helping themselves to the benefits of Scottish oil for last 30yrs. With the #indyref upon us in 2014, it’ll once again become a major player in the decision of some people to take a chance or not.

Not to forget about the water, equally important. Currently the south east of England is now on drought watch, it’s only February, Christ we’ve not had any sunshine yet. And they’re running short, so we’ve got another potential market that we can exploit. And exploit it we should, no sentiment just a cold hard business decision, like the decision to bury the ‘mcrone’ as top secret,

Like those Rangers fans who are now calling for the head of Craig Whyte, for ruining their club, I am now calling on those that had responsibility for the ‘mcrone’ debacle to be held accountable including those that conspired for 30yrs to withhold the truth.
It may seem strange mixing football and Scotlands future together, but if you look carefully, it's all there, Scottish football has been living in the past, they've hardly been able to get out of the 19th century and now their survival depends on them evolving and adapting to the 21st century in short time, or be forever consigned to the history books.

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