Monday 26 December 2011

Once in a lifetime.....

As 2011 hurtles to a conclusion, I can tick another year off. Can‘t believe it was 30yrs ago I left school with a handful of ’o’ levels and shedloads of youthful ignorance, Thatcher was in power and labour, well they were nowhere to be found, as industries were sacrificed and communities devastated.

Society was under attack and the labour response was an internal war, in which the idea of social justice was discarded in favour of more politically pragmatic policies aimed at middle Englandshire, and the chattering class, a move which eventually would herald in the age of Blair. And we all know what happened to that bandwagon.

So 30yrs on and nothing has really changed, once more Scotland’s destiny is in the hand’s of a political party the vast majority of this country not only never voted for, but more openly oppose to an extent it has become almost a national sport.

The idea of the current PM defending the Union with ‘every fibre of his body’ is an interesting proposition, many questions spring to mind, but it boils down to this, ’will he’ Is Mr Cameron willing to test his claim, is he willing to put his body on the line and to test every fibre or is it just rhetoric to appease his banking benefactors and other sundry thieves and liars of his party.

If so I for one am willing to test this resolve, since we’re contempories in age terms, sadly not for me the playing fields of Eton or the dreaming spires of Oxford, but the brutal reality of G15 and the streets of Glasgow, I do hope he’s been taking his Albran.

My moment of the year has to be when labour finally got a lesson in humility, at the Scottish elections, when they finally got their just deserts. Which to a man, woman, brother, sister and even comrade, not to forget all the Lord’s, Dame’s and Knight’s, have still collectively failed to get and continue to ignore… to their own cost.

labour lost because they no longer represent the LABOUR Movement, most people I know work long hours for pitiful wages and have NO union representation, and those that are members of unions they’re certainly not friends of the labour party.

Can Lamont save them, doubt it, all that money training her to be a teacher and like her predecessor destined to fail. The labour party have no ideas never mind any ambition for Scotland and its people.

They’ve got an agenda, not for the people, but the benefit of the labour party and that is unacceptable. Their dream is Milibland and Balls firmly ensconced in no. 10 &11 Downing st.

Does Milibland carry my hopes for the future, will he provide a better world for my children and grandkids, certainly not, the man reeks of weakness, millionaire socialists are the worst kind, it’s bad enough being patronised by the Tory millionaires.

The man is as shallow as (whisper it) Blair and his sidekick the indomitable Mr Balls an economist of worldwide repute, the man who Screwed the economy as City Minister and now claims he can fix it, well not even Bob the Builder can fix it.

With 2012 is just round the corner, I’m already looking forward to next years council elections, when hopefully this May’s results will be mirrored, and Glasgow and Scotland will eventually be free of the cancer that is the labour hegemony and finally see the books to find the true cost of their financial ineptitude and political arrogance. so to end, to all my friends I'd like to wish a very Happy New Year and hope all your dreams come true and to Glasgow labour councillors, the end is nigh and we're coming to get you.


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