Friday 13 January 2012

2014 the year of the underdog

What a couple of weeks it’s been. Just as I was coming to terms with the New Year, David Cameron comes out and tries to force the Independence Ref issue on his and Westminster’s terms. You could have knocked me over with a Tunnocks Teacake, worse was to follow, the indomitable Scot’s Sec Michael Moore continued the Unionist attack with debate in Westminster.

All was not lost, Wee Eck, Scotland’s 21st century freedom fighter, launched a guerrilla attack and while Unionists in Westminster were going through their usual Nat bashing script, Eck announced to the world, the referendum will be held in Autumn 2014. A masterstroke, not only did he pull the rug from under them, equally he let Westminster know who’s in charge and it’s certainly not them.

The battle lines are drawn, an interesting alliance has now been formed, and the Labour leader Millibland merrily skipped to the tune of Cameron’s tory party joining the Union alliance party.

So now we know, the 3 mainstream political parties of the UK do not recognise the rights of the Scottish people to take a considered view and exercise our vote with confidence, they would rather tell us when we should vote, how we should vote and what we can vote on.

Scotland’s future will be decided on the evidence in front of us, problem with the Westminster parties and their MP’s trying to take control, it is the self same institutions that we will be judging, their past record in terms of economic mis-management and treatment of the people of Scotland and what ambitions for the future that what we have in front of us.

So why should these people have a say, opinion or even decide when we vote, it’s Westminster that’s in the dock, this throws up the anomaly, we have 2 labour, tory and libdem parties. Which one should be involved in the debate? Millibland, Cameron et al, or will it be Lamont, Davidson and the 4 libdems. The Scot’s unionists in Scottish parliament, will be quickly cast aside as Westminster big guns swing into action, the unionists in the Scot’s Parly are not up to the task of defending the union, the decision have already been taken, anyone who thinks otherwise,(can you give me the No. of your drug dealer) is deluded.

Our democracy is being threatened with this anomaly, MP’s will more than likely automatically be given airtime on the mainstream media and their prominence promoted, yet when it comes to the vote, their vote will count just as much as mine does, so will the BBC allow me such airtime, the Scotsman give me so much column inches, don’t think so.

We have to ensure that those purporting to support any side of argument, then credibility and impartiality of reporting must be to the fore.

Imagine the scenario, we could have Andrew Neil presenting a prog on the Referendum from London, staring Douglas Alexander, Michael Moore, and David Mundell and a token Nat, where is the balance or impartiality 4-1, loaded deck.

Or think about Nick Robinson BBC conservative pr man, talking about what we think and how we’re gonna vote, what does he know, he’ll never come and live up here with us, or even listen to us. Easier for him to sit in Westminster’s Strangers bar, playing hide the sausage with the unionist political cabal he calls friends.

Now it would be churlish to ban labour MP’s from commenting, but think about it, why should those political parties have 2 goes at the debate, when we are all only gonna get one vote, if they get their way.

People will say I have an agenda, well maybe aye, maybe naw. But an important point to note, I am not a member of a political party, never have been, I firmly believe in independence and I have never allowed a political party to tell me how to vote, I make up my own mind, I’m an independent man, more than can be said of most so called socialist labour representatives, who happily have prostituted every principle of the working class labour movement in their quest for position and power. And it should be remembered the Claim of Right signed by labour and libdems, is that the people of Scotland are sovereign and not your Westminster knocking shop.

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