Thursday 25 July 2013

Glasgow: Labour party's Stalingrad

Glasgow the 2nd city of the empire, its people built the trains and ships that traversed continents and oceans, who stood when the call to war came, sacrificing themselves in numbers, which only make you weep. Titans of the industrial revolution, its eminent institutions strived for enlightenment and lit the world.
These days Glasgow is a crumbling wreck, the people the lifeblood of this city, dying before their time.  Our city fathers no longer men and women of vision and social justice, but more pin striped beauracats who clamour for glory and the cost of this city and its people.
None so more, than the Labour party, who in my lifetime have sacrificed generations of young Glaswegians life opportunities to the glory of the Labour party at Westminster.
Take a look around, read the stats,  men in poor working class areas are more likely to die before they’re 60 with women not far behind. Children growing up in those same areas have a higher risk of leaving school illiterate and destined to live in poverty. This is labour’s social justice, the party of the poor, no longer care, they prefer to wine and dine and then wine and dine some more, with business leaders.
The self same business leaders who have devalued our labour to such an extent, that the much heralded min wage, is effectively below the poverty line, with increases in utilities costs and prices in general on an upward spiral.
Remember prices never come down, costs always rise, despite the clamour to reduce labour costs and mechanisation.
Now a couple of weeks ago a group of academics produced a paper, looking into why we die younger and more of us live in poverty, compared to other parts of the UK. Despite delving into the stats, they concluded that they could find a singular cause, there was no one underlying effect that causes this. Now I’ve not got letters after my name, I’m not an academic.
But I could have saved them a lot of wasted effort, because there is a causal link, is blindingly obvious, but unlike angels; they feared to tread. So what is the link?


It’s a simple process of elimination, if there is no link between the health, education and housing sectors, then the only other question you can reasonably ask is, who has been running these services for the last 4 decades in Glasgow, answer is above.
Remember the 80’s , when labour’s rallying call is vote labour to keep Thatcher out, well Glaswegians did, and it was a long wait and had a particularly vicious effect on Glasgow’s next generation.  And when they did get labour, it was not their Labour, but Blair’s new labour army and what reward did this city get, fucking call centres paying min wage.
Now poverty is on the agenda again, it’s rising, surprised, considering the calibre of those who are responsible for the economic mess of this city, it was a one horse race.
If you were like me and grew up in a housing estate like Drumchapel, you felt the full force of poverty and lack of opportunity, and it pisses me off no end.
I sometimes feel like punching people in the face every time they appear on TVs and talk of poverty in some abstract terms, percentages etc. these are people vast majority either children or elderly.
Vilified by press and politicians alike, including Labour politicians. Who’s standing for them, why do reporters not probe, challenge pejorative statements, why are they happy to play the game?
You try and grow up in a housing estate like Drumchapel, when you get failed, the very first day you enter school, where you’re parents are routinely vilified on national TV and in the press, where your granny struggles to heat her poor quality housing.
You see poverty is a business, a middle class business, it’s where you have teachers, not there as a vocation, but as well paid professionals with excellent holiday entitlement, or the countless social workers also on excellent salaries, or the academics routinely despatched to navel gaze and find the root cause of this insidious and endemic disease.
So for the last 4 decades Labour have sacrificed the life opportunities of Glaswegians growing up in ‘non desirable area’s’ for the glory of gaining power in London, much like Stalin did, when he demanded his generals hold the city that bore his name.
Will we ever see the men and women of labour held responsible for this outrage, of course not. They’ll all get a cushy pension, some may even climb into the anus of Labour and become and MP, then fuck you, they’ll build a property empire and possibly become a lord. All on the back of the poor, which they claim to, want to protect.
Why vote yes in 2014, because if you don’t, you’ll be party to consigning another generation of Glaswegians to poverty and an early death. Better Together don’t make me laugh, lying, self serving fucking incompetents more like.

Are you willing to stand, or continue with the labour delusion. THINK,  CHALLENGE, and demand ANSWERS.

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