Wednesday 31 July 2013

Tory and Labour are poverty junkies

Tonight thousands of children will go to bed hungry, parents worrying how to pay the bills, pensioners and disabled  terrified of being thrown onto the street, because they can no longer afford the homes where they live, never mind being able to heat those homes.
This is the price of failure, yet these are not the people who failed, far from it. They are victims of political failure, a failure that has existed through the decades, a disease unchecked. 
Our media loves to promote freedom of the press, loves to use  politicians soundbites dressed up as policies, yet  fail to examine and hold them to account.
This is a society where the media  routinely use words like scrounger and undeserving,  to describe human beings,  most of us in Glasgow will know these people, even be related to them or went to school with them.
They are not how it is reported far from it, they are people with complex problems, exacerbated by incompetence and arrogance of the ruling elites. Part of a system of a democracy the love to call the United Kingdom.
Well the United Kingdom is bankrupt, the media won’t report this. In fact they still pretend we’re some global power, the price of that power for vast majority of the people is low wages, villification and downright lies.
Yet a quick glance at the numbers, tells a different story, wage rises are capped at between 1 and 2%, yet prices and living costs will rise by between 7 & 9%, it’ll be the same again next year.

If you’ve got any savings, you won’t see a return on them unless your fabulously wealthy.
The banks are currently receiving billions through QE, but instead of lending to business are buying UK govt bonds and getting a return of around 5%. Allowing them to bulk up their balance sheets, but that’s not working, as they pay out billions in compensation for their fraudulent PPI schemes and other failed investments.
Now the bedroom tax is alleged to be a means of reducing the housing benefit bill, but how can you reduce a bill, when you fail to tackle the biggest area of spend which is London and the SE.
Currently you can get up to £250 a week in housing benefit for a 1 bed flat in London, through the Local housing allowance, if you’re a pensioner or disabled person in Glasgow with a spare room, you'll get penalised. Do the sums, a 2 bed in Glasgow will average at £400 a mth, a 1 bed in London will average at £1000 a mth. See the problem.
London house prices have inflated by 300% in last 30 years, and the Tory plans are to build more houses in London and the SE, which will bring more expensive properties into the market, increasing the housing benefit bill further.
How are the UK govt paying for all this, from the money the recieved from the banks buying govt bonds. The UK is heading for a massive financial crash, which will make sub prime look like a picnic, instead of dealing with ridiculously high rents by introducing a rent cap, they’ve decided to penalise some of the most vulnerable in our city, and label it as nesecarry to reduce welfare spend and the media are playing along with it, as they always do.
It doesn’t matter if it’s labour or Tory, both have played this game and both are equally guilty.
Is there a better way, of course there is. You can either accept your fate and stick with this failed state or change your future and that of your kids. It’s simple, it all starts with a simple YES.

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