Thursday 17 January 2013

call the polis, there's been a murder

There’s been a murder; this outrageous claim was made on Tuesday by Glasgow Mp Ian Davidson during a hate filled rant, as Westminster was passing the section 30 order. Now murders in Glasgow are on the decline thanks to increased police numbers, mainly due to SNP policy.

But this didn’t stop the member for Govan making an absurd claim and attempt to rewrite history at the same time. According to Mr Davidson a group of Scots murdered English people just outside the village of Bannockburn. To compound this further he claimed that we were now going to celebrate this in 2014.

If we’re to believe Mr Davidson, Edward 2 and his chums were on a camping trip visiting Scotland’s historical castles and sites, and were unfairly attacked and murdered, the truth of the matter is further from Mr Davidson’s account. The English were there to rob pillage murder and oppress the Scots, and attempt to impose English rule on Scotland.
This sounds a lot more like current Labour party policy than Mr Davidson would care to admit. I can use a recent conflict to highlight this assertion, Iraq, where Blair and Bush murdered there way across the desert, claiming to bring democracy under the guise of removing WMD while helping themselves to oil reserves. Scotland’s got oil and wmd’s maybe we’ll be invaded soon.

Historic revisionism is the worst kind of political posturing, but then again that’s never stopped labour before. They still persist in myth making, current favourite that Alistair Darling saved the banks, when we all know; it was labour’s incompetent oversight that created the situation in the first place. Why left the truth get in the way of political spin.

Then we has anas sarwar, son of former millionaire labour MP Mohammed sarwar, who described the Scottish Govt as a dictatorship, reiterating claims by other labour Mp’s that the Scottish govt cannot be trusted to hold the Independence referendum, labour couldn’t be trusted to organise a piss up in a brewery,

Davidson and his labour chums hate filled obsession, intemperate language and ludicrous assertions against the SNP are a parody of what a modern democracy should be and aspire to be…

What happened on Tuesday was representative of Labour party in Scotland laid bare, their intolerance odiously lingering throughout what can only reasonably described as a hate fest, only compounded by their demands the SNP conduct a moderate and constructive debate around Scottish independence. The word Hypocrites can easily be attached to labour, the evidence is clear. Yet the tame Scottish media turned their well practised blind eye to this event and are clearly unwilling to call Labour out on this.

I don’t know what is more disgusting, labour’s attitude towards Scotland or the media allowing them to assert lie after lie, and never holding them to account.

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