Tuesday, 29 May 2012

3 by 50, A birthday wish.

Today is a milestone, I’ve managed to reach the ripe old age of 47 and my doomsday clock is ticking down to my inevitable end. That may sound gloomy, but being a Glaswegian male, my life expectancy is around the 59-60 mark, so not long to go now.

But hey, I’m not sad, in fact I’m pretty upbeat about everything, except for the small tell-tale signs I’ve noticed developing, like my inability to watch BBC news programmes, without shouting at the television like some crazed, buck fast induced troglodyte. And the inevitable intolerance of mediocre talent shows that infest TV channels like an STD you just can’t get rid of.

Since it’s my birthday I’ve decided to be generous, since my coming out into this world, at the Queen mum’s hospital in Glasgow, in the heady days of 1965. I’ve managed to witness some incredible sights, men landing on the moon, govt’s of all descriptions annihilate vast swathes of humanity, in their indecent haste to prove their tougher than rival states.

I’ve watched govt’s be subsumed by Multi-nationals, and greed becomes the byword for progress, democracies fall and rise, only to be sold to the highest bidder, for the aforementioned greed.

I now live in a world ruled and controlled by faceless executives of Global multi national corporations, who transfer wealth from country to corporation and the politicians’ just sit back and take it , like good little public school boys, who’s the faggot now, eh.

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So what do I want for my birthday, world peace would be a start, but to have that you first have to find a country committed to such an ideal, so I’ve lowered my sights slightly, I would settle for a country I can be proud to call home, which at it’s core is based on equality, not just any equality, but equality for all, regardless of race, colour or creed or indeed gender.

What I wish for is my homeland, country of birth, Scotland to become an independent country, and take its place in the world. A country unafraid to shine a light into the darkest of places, where inhumanity is rife. With neither fear nor favour. A country willing to challenge those global corporate interests with impunity, to speak up for those without a voice.

On Friday the 25th of May, pro independence parties in Scotland launched @YesScotland, the first initial steps, in what I hope is the emancipation of the Scot’s people, freedom from oppressive UK govt rule, who without a blink on an eye, spend billions on a squalid and sleazy London, while at the same time castigate the poor, for simply being poor.

So my birthday wish is simple, I want to be free by 50, I want to live in a country willing to take on the challenge of the 21st century head on, who will stand firm against intolerance and cruelty, who is willing to challenge vested interests and protect the weak. That’s what I wish for; I can only hope that it can come true.

On a lighter note, rumours are the No campaign, those that wish Scotland's continual  subjugation by London are planning a glitzy launch, I hear, though this may not be true. That Lord Foulkes, that estimable Labour peer, plans to get the campaign underway, by running down Princess street in Edinburgh stark bollock naked with his Heart’s scarf and a Union Jack for company. I will reiterate this is only a rumour, heaven forbid anyone actually turns up to see this event.

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