Monday 16 July 2012

Olympian Effort

Been a couple of weeks since I last posted, but a lot has happened, in fact every time I sat down to write, something else shoots to the top of the list. But with 2 weeks till the ‘Olympics’ I thought I should at least comment on the past month.

I had intended to write about the politics of identity and this abuse by the ‘better together’ campaign, the pro union cabal, who are intent with the acquiescence of the media, to skew the independence debate. Endless negative articles, nonsensical questioning of legality of the referendum and downright blatant propaganda has already reared its ugly head, and we’ve still got over 2 yrs to go.

Their biggest thrill is opinion polls showing support for independence down to 30% from 35%, if you consider we’re in the middle of the Queen’s Diamond jubilee, about to have wall to wall coverage of the Olympics. It seems that a Union jack is never far from our screens, filling our supermarkets shelves everywhere you look, there's one hanging.

So there should be no surprise that support for the union has risen, reassuring though, is that this will be the last UK national event, that’ll attract so much corporate and media attention and by the time 2014 comes round Glasgow and most of Scotland will be a Saltire only zone as the Commonwealth games come to this city, and with the 700yr anniversary of Bannockburn, the boot will be on the other foot in terms of visibility. Added with several other Homecoming events, the union cause could be on its arse and begging to be put out of it’s misery before the vote.

Oh! Andy Murray failed to win Wimbledon, but I’ll guess you’ll all know this, the boy did good. Typically the English based media continued their customary derision of this supremely talented athlete as a ‘dour’ Scot, if only they could count and use Google, they may even be able to connect the dots. They could even just check their own media library and just look for the Dunblane tragedy and then they may understand how remarkable this young man’s journey has really been.

Another plus point is by the time our Independence referendum comes around, most of the newspaper industry in Scotland will be on its knees, falling sales and by 2014, some of them may not even exist anymore and those that remain will be directly connectable to London and easily recognised by all, as distorting truth of the matter.

The Union campaign is as dead as a dodo, if it’s a straight battle between what an Independent Scotland could be and what’s on offer from the Union, they may as well give up just now.

Who in their right mind would vote for destruction of the NHS, Tuition fees, privatisation of Police and Prisons, further slash and burn of the welfare state, austerity till at least 2020. Then you’ve got to add the predictable forthcoming Iran conflict and Westminster’s ability to spectacularly kiss US arse.

Then we’ve got the banking scandal to iron out and there are chapters of that story still to be told, leveson and his media inquiry and finally Chilcott, though I think he may have been knobbled, since Labour have invited back the warmonger in chief Bliar, no smoke without fire as they say.

The worst abuse of identity this month has come from Scottish Labour deputy leader anas sarwar, who has been claiming only ‘real Scots’ support the union, so not only do they lie and cheat, the labour party are happy to deny me my identity, since I support Independence and not the Union, I am in their terms and trumpeted by their media chums as not a ‘real Scot’, should I be afraid, order my striped pyjamas, wait for my yellow star in the post?

We’ve all the ingredients for social unrest, racist politicians’ masquerading as socialists and moderates, complete breakdown of banking system, the poor being penalised for the failure of incompetent greedy politicians’ and multi-national corporate carving up the planet.

The world’s been here before, far too many times and still lessons haven’t been learnt, yet it still goes on this merry-go-round hoping for a different answer, but it still comes up as the UK is in the red and terminally broke, both financially and morally. If Scotland wants to keep those things we hold dear and cherish then we’ve got to start to make our own way in the world. Or the price our children pay will indeed be a hefty one. So just use the link below and sign up if you haven't already and choose a future you're in control.