Friday 1 June 2012

Brrtannia waves the rules

Two blogs in one week, now I don’t usually go in for this sort of ‘media saturation’ but this week is sort of special, not only have I marked the passing of another year in my life, but this weekend it’s the jubilee. Not that you could’ve missed it, wall to wall saturation on TV and in the media.

I don’t know Elizabeth Windsor personally, we’ve never been introduced, sort of don’t mix in the same social circles, if you get my drift.
With a general antipathy towards union jacks and street parties, I will comment no further, other than to say, that during the jubilee celebrations, I will be playing ‘God save the Queen’ on a loop and celebrating like it was 1977 again. Though I must mention it’ll be the Sex Pistols version and it’ll be on all day, even if I’m in the house or not, 600watts, windows open. Point will be made.

But it’s not the Jubilee that has got me fired up, It was the vote in the Scottish Parliament declaring Scotland’s independence, it may have passed by many, not really well reported, in fact more smothered by a blanket than blanket coverage.

The outcome of the Motion was never in any doubt, the SNP have a sizeable majority, which is incredible in itself, since the Labour party had gerrymandered the devolution settlement, to prevent such a majority, ‘their best laid plans’
What was astonishing about it was the Labour leader who went on to spout hysterical historical inaccuracies, claiming we,’ the Scot’s embraced the union, yet her grasp of Scot’s history and that of her own home city, Glasgow, not for the first time let her down. For once that signing of that traitorous act of 1707 was made known to the people of this fair city, they upped and rioted and troops where required to settle the peace.
She then added a little bit on universal suffrage, which was again surprising since as I’ve pointed out 67% of this city didn’t vote in last election, not very much universal suffrage going on in Glasgow, just a whole lot of suffering, really.
So the vote was passed, but it means nothing. It won’t change a thing, it was just another move in the chess game that is Scotland’s future and we are just the pawns.

I will end on the jubilee , or rather the jubilee regatta that will sail down the Thames, and those taking part who will be regaled with music as they pass certain landmarks, when they pass MI6 HQ the James Bond theme will be played, whilst when the pass the Palace of Westminster, the theme tune from Only fools and horses, will be heard.

Britannia rules the waves, well not anymore, but she’s still able to wave the rules.