Monday 23 April 2012

A Union of Mushrooms

You hear rumours, little bits of information every now and then, some that surprises you, even shocks to some extent. The other night I received some startling news. My twitter feed is being monitored, by a disparate or more accurately, desperate coalition of Westminster apologists, defenders of the Union or as they will now be colloquially called ‘mushrooms, mushie’s for short’

A quick explanation may be needed at this point, mushrooms prefer to be kept in the dark and thrive on bullshit, it is probably the best description of a unionist I can currently think of, but it has that certain ring of truth in its simplicity.

So the ‘mushie’s’ are monitoring me, why? What’s my crime, what offence have I caused that requires such intrusion. Well that’s easy I expressed my opinion, my very own opinion, well formed over the years.

I am impressed, though shocked it took so long, usually I can piss people off in under an hour, this has been a slow simmer, if you like, but, boy am I chuffed. I know some may get disturbed at the thought, that a self appointed gaggle of miscreants are monitoring you, but those that know me personally, will be well aware that I’m of the thick skinned variety, in fact a rhino’s arse has nothing on me.

So I would like to dedicate this blog to all those, who believe in the UK, those that buy into foreign policy misadventures like Iraq, who accept 30yr of endemic economic failure. Those that are happy as Westminster devalues humanity with its coarse and brutal treatment of the poor, the sick and the elderly, while at the same time giving tax cuts to the uber rich.

Those political classes, who love to label the unemployed and single mothers as undeserving.

While engorging themselves on expenses and self delusion, they now have to explain how they are going solve the self inflicted economic travails that are symptomatic of their incompetent misrule. Unsurprisingly they remain silent on this, while at the same time increasing national debt, and reducing the asset base. A recipe for disaster, Sub-prime govt at it’s best.

For me I prefer the route of self determination, a right enjoyed by many nations around the world, that is except for the Scot’s. But that is changing as the days go by, the people are awaking and realising the London city state and their tame politicians offer nothing but misery.

The pollsters are saying support for Independence is anything between 25 & 40%, and a rudimentary use of arithmetic, equates this to around 1 million pro indy supporters, that is a substantial level of support and dismiss us at your peril.

So to the mushie’s out there, I welcome you to my world and wish you nothing but good wishes and if you need the number for a good psychiatrist to help with your self loathing, try the yellow pages.

Also a big shout out to Norman Mcphail as he travels round the world, and if anyone wants, follow his blog at and watch as he trains as beer taster par excellence.

Monday 16 April 2012

A more optimistic view?

Welcome to Skintland.

The front cover of the recent Economist proudly envisioned that if Scotland was to become independent, it would become an economic basketcase and those that call this piece of land on the outskirts of northern Europe, home. Will be led into years of penury.

Such a wonderful assertion from a magazine that panders to the vanity of those economic pygmies who have currently slaved to push UK plc into it’s current downward spiral of slash and burning of public services to euphemistically ‘balance the books’ and fill the bank balances of multi-nationals.

So here I am, 2 yrs from economic meltdown, ‘according to economist’. Such a scenario is surely worth hanging around for, so glad I’ve got a front row seat, ‘will Scotland fail, or will it just toddle along, making its own self confident way in the world.’ Only time will tell, and its evens, and the only thing for sure is that the Oxford educated editor has not developed psychic abilities as of yet, if ever.

It does however bring to mind a thought, why now and what are they hiding.

The Economist had 2 years to use that particular front cover, why now, why attack Scot’s aspirations of self determination, what was the point of the attack, when every assertion in the article can easily be batted away and destroyed , by people more at home with economic double talk than me.

Now call me a cynic, but prior to the Economist article coming out, the Scottish Govt was at loggerheads with Westminster Govt over plans to spend £4.1 billion on the London sewers.

Only for the Barnet formula to be binned, and Scotland set to lose out on it‘s £400m share, due to a ‘loophole’.

So there are Loopholes’ in Barnet formula, shocker, well we all know if it involves London, there will always a loophole.

The special dispensation that city receives is a disgusting abuse whether it’s Olympics, Crossrail or even the sewers, what’s spend in London dwarves that of any other area, yet it continually demands more.

Yet the argument should be a more prosaic, along the lines of ‘what fucking loophole’

And I suggest that BBC Scotland get it’s priorities right, instead of briefing journos on how to deal with the SNP, they should maybe get the finger out and chase this tale down, even into the depths of the London sewers, if that what it takes.

£400m could go a long way in Scotland; we’re well capable to spend in a more constructive and socially just way, rather than wasting billions on a shithole like London.

Only time will tell if Westminster gets away with this daylight robbery, or will the mainstream Scottish media take up the challenge, and defend Scotland’s interests. Time to bring the £400m sewers up and explain to us why there is need for ‘loopholes’ if we live in such a wonderful country.

‘Then again pigs will fly and Brian Taylor will win slimmer of the year‘, this statement is as accurate as the Economist article.

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