Friday, 23 March 2012

Putting Glasgow First

The other morning my letterbox rattled and down fell a letter from the ‘local’ labour candidate asking my views on what affects me and my family, my priorities’.

The header on the returnable leaflet espoused the moniker, ‘Putting Glasgow First’, now some may snigger and call me a cynic, my views on labour’s mis-rule of the Glasgow economic area, are well kent, in fact I’ll tell anyone who cares to listen what I think of ‘labour’ failures and what should be done to those that have oversaw the demise of this once great city.

But to begin, first question was on Dog ‘mess’, well for those that are not regular users of Glasgow’s pavements, this is a big issue, where I live, dog shit appears about every 10 yards, and when you try to avoid it, you inevitably end up in a pothole or tramping through broken glass. What can labour do, well they can send all those labour lords and knights out with a pair of marigolds, and start picking up the shit, That’ll certainly keep them out of trouble for a while.

Next up was unemployment, well thanks to labour incompetence a whole generation of Scot’s are facing uncertainty and a drop in the earning capacity, some of those facing this prospect for the 2nd time, anyone remember the 80’s.

The best question came at the end, ‘have you suffered from anti-social behaviour or noisy neighbours’, well yes. I have been for years affected by a gang of political neds, who have constantly stolen, lied and even committed murder, yet have never been brought to trial, their mates continually apologise for their actions, yet fail to deal with them in a satisfactory manner. Handing them over to the police would certainly be a start.

Sometimes ‘sorry’ just doesn’t go far enough, in this case it certainly is unacceptable, the Labour party have lied, stolen and caused the death of countless thousands, yet seem to think just saying sorry is enough.

Well it’s not enough, if Scottish labour is to stand for anything, it should not be for the privileged including those MP’s and members of the party who have been drunk on power in Glasgow for far too long, but for the poor and the weak.

Those who’s educational opportunities are blunted by the failure of an education system, that has been wrecked by political interference and incompetence. Employment prospects within this once great city dimishied to that of either call centre or social worker, and nothing in-between. But who cares, certainly not labour, they are the midwives of this legacy, their social engineering strategy is more akin to the 3rd Reich, than a forward thinking working class movement.

Has Glasgow a future, well that depends on the people, they hold the power. Will they stand aside and let labour sacrifice another generation for the cause of political dogma, like they did in the 80’s.

Or will they kick out this cancer of the working class, and emancipate themselves fully and choose a future that they’re in control of, rather than being led by a failed political party, who can’t even say ‘sorry’ properly.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Confessions of a Social misfit

All over the world, people are giving up their lives, for a dream, a simple dream called democracy. In Scotland the struggle for democracy is taking a slightly different tack, than those whose aspirations are crushed by tanks and bullets of dictators.

Our attempts at self determination are being attacked by a different type of dictator, one who masquerades as the mother of parliaments, Westminster. Its acolytes defend it like brainwashed members of a cult, promising jam tomorrow, if only you stick to their obsolete brand of democracy.


I have a confession to make; its something that has troubled me for a while now. I once worked for a major utility provider as an outbound sales advisor, selling electricity to the masses. I found this employment un-rewarding and troublesome. I found difficulty reconciling my need to earn a living, with what was blatantly a cheap confidence trick, encouraging people to switch supplier, for an annual saving, which in most cases could be measured in single pounds.

For the company it was all about increasing market share, there was no emphasis on customer care, in fact the customer was secondary in their considerations, and shareholders always came first.

I struggled with this dilemma for all of 3 weeks, before I told my manager I could no longer, carry out this task and promptly quit.

The reason I mention this is the arrival of Devoplus, a brand new product, which has now arrived on the Democracy market. Primarily designed to challenge Independence, which has been gaining popular support hand over fist.

What is this new supplier of democracy offering, if youre willing to sign up? As far as I can make out, absolutely nothing, they are not providing any legally binding

agreement, theyre not even sure what the product is.

Yet the media in their droves have flocked to this new product, giving a slew of free advertising, but have collectively failed to check the veracity or competence of those in charge, to deliver this product.

Reform Scotland the parent company has placed the Devoplus product on the market, unlike Richard Branson and Virginmedia who have employed Usain Bolt to advertise its product. Theyve employed what can only be described as a cast of Disney characters lead by Jeremy (Donald Duck) Purvis and his trusty family Huey, Dewy and Louie, otherwise known as Duncan McNeil, Alex Fergusson and Tavish Scott.

Now Devoplus the product will not available till late 2014 at the earliest, in fact the product may not even see the light of day, yet they are still offering a mind blowing buy now , pay later campaign.

Now I dont know about you, but this seems like an attempt to flood the market with a product, that has no legal standing and could quite easily be withdrawn on the whim of the parent company, so why would anyone buy into it.

Why indeed, well its all about perception and the media are giving the impression that this is a viable product and that where the danger lies, unless the product is properly placed on the market, then its availability will always be in doubt.

My best advice to those that are struggling with their choice, stick to what you know is available, never buy anything thats on the never, never. It usually ends up costing you an arm and a leg, but in this case it may cost you the future of your children and grandchildren. Be smart, be clever, and dont get taken in by Devoplus